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Eligibility and Divisions of Play


The Sneds Tour is open to all Boys and Girls ages 4-19 who are not currently attending college.  Players who have graduated from high school may play the summer before they begin college in the fall. The Sneds Tour is open to all junior golfers, and is NOT limited to Tennessee residents only. 


The age group you will compete in is determined by your age as of June 20, 2025 (midway point of season). 

Divisions of Play

Our divisions for 2024 are as follows (Click each heading/link for further explanation):




  • Tour Division:​

    • Ages 12-18 (9 holes)

    • Ages 12-18 (18 holes)


Determining the Appropriate Division


To determine the appropriate division of play, ask yourself the following questions:

  1. What will be my age on June 20, 2025? 

  2. What is my average score on the number of holes played from the designated yardage chart below?

  3. If your average score is on the borderline and you wish to compete with better players, we suggest you move up to the most appropriate age and ability group.


If you have any questions, please call the Sneds Tour office at 615.790.3336.

Age Division


Boys 16-18 Masters


Boys 16-18 Tour


Boys 13-15 Masters


Boys 13-15 Tour



Boys 13 & U Masters



Boys 10-13 Tour


Boys 10-11 Micro


Boys 8-9 Micro


Boys 4-7


Girls 16-18 Masters


Girls 15 & U Masters


Girls 12-18 Tour


Girls 12-18 Tour


Girls 8-11 Micro


Girls 4-7

Holes Played










9 (1-Day Events)

18 (2-Day Events)





















Approximate Yardage​


6,600 -6,800 yards


6,400 - 6,600 yards


6,600 - 6,800 yards


6,100 - 6,300 yards


2,700 - 2,900 yards (9)

5,600 - 5,800 yards (18)


Forward Tees


Click Here


Click Here


Click Here


5,600 - 5,800 yards


5,600 - 5,800 yards


Forward Tees


Forward Tees


Click Here


Click Here

Average Score​


80 and below


81 - 105


85 and below


86 - 110


45 and below (9 holes)

90 and below (18 holes)


46 - 60 (9 holes)


All Abilities


All Abilities


All Abilities


90 and below


95 and below


91 - 115


48 - 60 (9 holes)


All Abilities


All Abilities

Once again in 2025 the Sneds Tour has released the Suggested Division of Competition List. This list is created to help members who participated on the Sneds Tour in 2024 to have a better idea of which division they may be best equipped for in 2025.  The list was compiled strictly off of scores from the 2024 Sneds Tour season. The Sneds Tour office acknowledges a player's skill level can elevate quickly due to certain factors (i.e. increased practice in off-season, growth spurt, improved dedication to the game, etc.), and your current suggested division may not best suit your current ability level for the coming season. If you would like to change your suggested division for 2025, please call the Sneds Tour office at 615.790.3336 and we will be happy to walk you through the steps on how your division can be adjusted.   


Our goal is to honestly assess a player's ability and place them in the most appropriate level of competition that properly suits their skill set.  Once the season starts and events are full, it is difficult to move players from one division to another. However, the Sneds Tour office has the authority to move a player to an appropriate division if they are competing in a level of competition not suitable to their ability. It is not fair to have a player in a division where they clearly do not belong.




Masters Division
The Masters Division is the highest form of competition offered by the Sneds Tour. This division is designed for the lower handicapped players ages 10 to 18. These players should have a proven ability to compete at a high level and a strong will to excel in tournament conditions.  The Sneds Tour expects Masters Division players to be exemplary role models for all players. Players must be very knowledgeable of the USGA Rules of Golf as well as the etiquette and traditions of the game. 

If you would like to participate in a Masters division in 2025 and your suggested division is currently listed otherwise, please call or email the Sneds Tour office and we will be happy to walk you through the steps on how you can be added to a Masters Division.

For a further explanation of the Masters Division click here.


For all new Sneds Tour members, if you would like to participate in a Masters Division in 2024 please call the Sneds Tour office and we will be happy to walk you through the steps on how you can be added to the Masters Division. 




Tour Division
The Tour Division is the most comprehensive division offered by the Sneds Tour.  This division is designed for players ages 10 to 18 that are fairly skilled in the game of golf, but in the process of developing their competitive game. These players traditionally have higher handicaps and are less experienced in tournament golf.  Please review the chart above to see if your ability falls into this category.  With the wide range of ability levels within the Tour Division we recommend to those on the bubble to move up to the Masters Division to have an opportunity to increase their skill level.  If a player feels they would like to move up and compete in the Masters Division in 2025, please call the office at 615.790.3336 and we will walk you through the steps of being added to a Masters Division.


For a further explanation of the Tour Division click here.




Micro Division
The Micro Division is designed for players 8 to 11 years old of all ability levels.  Micro Division players will compete on Par 3, Executive and Regulation size golf courses. Players are allowed to use an adult caddie throughout regular and post-season events.  Beginners are encouraged to sign up for the Par 3 courses so they can get accustomed to playing in tournaments at golf courses that are less challenging than others. More advanced players are STRONGLY encouraged to play longer courses to gain the best experience. The most advanced players may also choose to play up in the Tour or Masters Divisions which play 9 holes from a longer yardage at the more difficult golf courses on the schedule. See above for more information on those divisions.


For a further explanation of the Micro Division click here.


4-7 Division
As the game of golf begins to reach even the youngest players, we are excited to provide golfers ages 4-7 with a number of tournament opportunities across the state.  Our 4-7 division is designed to encourage learning and enjoyment of the game rather than the competition.  Players will play six (6) holes and adults will be asked to caddie in order to assist the player in the learning process.  Only one (1) designated caddie will be able to give the player advice at one time. The caddie will also be responsible for keeping score. Players are limited to twelve (12) strokes per hole, including "whiffs".

For a further explanation of the 4-7 Age Division click here.




Stroke Limit
In an effort to improve Pace of Play on the Sneds Tour, the staff has created a Local Rule that states a stroke limit of twelve (12) strokes (including "whiffs") will be established for the following Sneds Tour Divisions:

Boys 4-7, 8-9 Micro, 10-11 Micro & 10-13 Tour
Girls 4-7, 8-11 Micro & 12-18 Tour (9)

Once a player reaches his/her twelfth (12th) shot on a hole (including "whiffs"), the player MUST pickup and move to the next hole, WITHOUT disqualification.

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Tel: (615) 790-3336
Fax: (615) 790-8600
400 Franklin Road | Franklin, TN | 37069
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